Our commitments in favour of the climate
Accelerating the transition to a "Net Zero Carbon" world is at the heart of Equans' mission. From energy storage to the installation of more efficient energy systems to the production of green energy, Equans has set itself the goal of reducing its CO₂ emissions and those of its customers. Determined to contribute to the Group's decarbonisation commitments, Equans uses the CO₂ Performance ladder, a tool that enables it to track its progress, share the knowledge it has acquired transparently and raise awareness among its employees, partners and customers.
Our objective: level 5
We aim to achieve certification at level 5 of the CO₂ performance ladder. This is the highest level on the ladder. This will demonstrate that we maintain the highest standards in CO₂ management and emissions reduction.
- Certificat of ambition for the CO2 performance ladder (2024)
- Carbon management policy (2024)
Reducing our own carbon footprint (scopes 1-2* ,3A**)
Currently in the process of being certified by the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi), the Equans Group's commitments to reducing carbon emissions represent a major challenge. To help achieve these objectives, Equans Belux has put in place action plans covering scopes 1 and 2 of its own activities, as well as scope 3A (upstream of the value chain).
The reduction target of -42% in absolute terms for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from scopes 1 and 2 means that the company is committed to reducing the total quantity of its direct and indirect emissions by 42% compared with a reference year (2023).
Scope 1 emissions include all direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by the company, such as fuels burned on site.
Scope 2 emissions cover indirect emissions associated with electricity consumption. An absolute reduction indicates that the reduction is aimed at achieving a real decrease in the total quantity of emissions, regardless of the growth or decline in the company's activity.
The -52% reduction intensity target for Scope 3 GHG is independent of growth or decline in the company's activity.
This means that even if the company increases its production or revenue (and therefore its purchases), it is committed to reducing the quantity of greenhouse gas emissions per unit of production or revenue (spent on purchases) by 52%.
In this way, the company aims to reduce its environmental impact proportionally, regardless of the development of its economic activities. This objective encourages greater efficiency and more sustainable management of resources throughout all phases of the life cycle of its products and services.
Our actions
- Decarbonising our vehicle fleet through the gradual replacement of our combustion vehicles with hybrid or electric vehicles, a new sustainable mobility policy and the promotion of best practice in eco-driving.
- Reducing the carbon footprint of our sites by optimising our office fleet and improving energy management.
- Improve our purchasing policy by committing our suppliers to quantifying and reducing their CO₂ emissions.
- Raise our employees' awareness of energy sobriety, the circular economy, resource conservation and biodiversity.
Reducing our customers' carbon footprint (scope 3B***)
***Scope 3B (downstream of the value chain): emissions from products and services sold.
In addition to our internal initiatives, Equans is actively engaged in reducing the carbon footprint of the entire energy value chain. Through our activities and innovative solutions, we generate avoided emissions on behalf of our clients and aim to accelerate their energy transition. Our service offering is based on five pillars:
- Renewable energy production through solar farms, self-consumption, local smart grids (micro-grids) with storage, offshore wind generation
- Specific techniques such as methanisation, waste-to-energy, trigeneration
Capture of CO₂ and conversion of H2 into electric fuel
- Optimising consumption through the use of BMS, intelligent weather forecasting and building occupancy monitoring. Seasonal storage using geothermal energy (ATES, BTES)
- Mobility: electric fleet management, intelligent road signalling systems, etc.
- Electricity consumption: reducing consumption through intelligent lighting, relighting, etc.
- Recovery and use of waste heat
- Optimising consumption: optimising the electricity network, introducing battery storage, using thermal networks, etc.
- Storage: vehicle-to-grid (V2G) solutions, BESS systems, hydrogen, etc.
- Heat production: switching from gas to heat pumps and electric boilers.
- Green mobility: recharging infrastructure for electric vehicles, use of decarbonised hydrogen and electric fuel. Building electric motorways for lorries and electrifying railways.
- Electrification of industrial production using low-carbon solutions: low-carbon hydrogen, biomass, electric boilers, use of natural refrigerants, etc.