Intelligent infrastructure for sustainable transport in Namur

25 March 2020
homme installant panneau solaire
écran de surveillance mobile
installation caméra surveillance
shéma infrastructures intelligentes
84.2 billion
Belgians travel 84.2 billion km a year
14.4 %
kilometres are driven by company cars
40 %
The transport sector is responsible for 40% of CO2 emissions in Namur
8 billions
The Belgian Business Federation (FEB) estimates that traffic jams cost the business community €8 billion a year
84.2 billion
Belgians travel 84.2 billion km a year
14.4 %
kilometres are driven by company cars
40 %
The transport sector is responsible for 40% of CO2 emissions in Namur
8 billions
The Belgian Business Federation (FEB) estimates that traffic jams cost the business community €8 billion a year

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