Electricity networks

✓ High-voltage networks (aerial and underground lines)

Design, engineering and installation of high-voltage lines (from 15 to 400 kV) and pylons, conductor pulling, installation of concrete posts; study, design and installation of underground high-voltage links (15 kV to 400 kV); HDD (Horizontal Directional Drilling).

✓ Medium and low-voltage networks (aerial and underground lines)

Placing concrete or steel posts, laying cables and replacing copper lines with mast or façade cables, connection of the power cable to medium-voltage cabins; study, design and installation of new medium-voltage cabins, cells and transformers, renovation of old cabins and annual maintenance and cleaning of cabins. Connections (opening, placing and replacing meters, budget meters and smart meters); 24/7 emergency repair service in the event of low-voltage network incidents or failure. And maintenance activities.

✓ Public lighting networks

Public lighting networks construction and renovation and maintenance works, assembling lighting masts and fixtures; lighting for public buildings, monuments and sports grounds.

✓ Onshore sub-stations

Study, design, realisation and adaptation of high-voltage installations up to 400 kV; Assembly, maintenance, tests and commissioning of high and medium-voltage sub-stations.
