You want to invest in a photovoltaic system? Discover the possibilities here.
Invest in solar energy
You can choose to invest with your company in the purchase of your own high efficiency solar installation. With your own means or through your financial institution, EQUANS is a reliable partner for the financier.
Thanks to an extensive network EQUANS can also introduce you to investment partners who can take over the investment for you (third party investment).
Your investment pays off immediately.
✓ Your own consumption of the green power you generate at the same time is free.
✓ What you do not use yourself, you inject into the grid and are paid for.
✓ You build up a positive image as a green and innovative company.
If you choose EQUANS, you are working with a reliable and solid industrial partner that is responsible for the guarantee and maintenance during the entire life cycle of your PV installation.
Something for you?
If you are the owner of a building with an available plot of land or a flat roof of at least 2,500 m² or a sloping roof of at least 1,000m² with a south or east-west orientation, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will provide you with a detailed quote, taking into account the technical and financial parameters of your business.